Tournament Rules

Guangdong Mahjong Rules

Dive into the classic Guangdong Mahjong rules, known for their strategic depth and traditional gameplay. This style emphasizes thoughtful tile combinations, patience, and tactical planning to build high-scoring hands. With a focus on calculated decisions, Guangdong Mahjong rewards players who take the time to read the board and anticipate their opponents’ moves. Explore the key elements, scoring details, and unique aspects of this traditional format, perfect for those who appreciate a slower, more deliberate approach to Mahjong.

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Guangdong Mahjong Rules

  1. Introduction
  • Guangdong Mahjong: The most popular Mahjong rule set in the Guangdong region, featuring unique gameplay aspects such as “Push-to-Win,” “Buying Horses,” and the use of “Joker Tile (a random tile that can be defined as joker tile),” adding distinctive enjoyment.
  1. Rules

2.1 Components and Terminology

2.1.1 Components

A standard set of Mahjong tiles includes number tiles, honor tiles, and flower tiles, for a total of 136 tiles.

  • Tiles: Mahjong uses 136 tiles divided into suits and honor tiles.
    Wan (36 tiles): Also called Characters, numbered 1 to 9 Wan, with 4 of each.
    Bing (36 tiles): Also called Dots, numbered 1 to 9 Bing, with 4 of each.
    Tiao (36 tiles): Also called Bamboo, numbered 1 to 9 Tiao, with 4 of each.
    Winds (16 tiles): Four tiles each for East, South, West, and North.
    Arrows (12 tiles): Four tiles each for Zhong (Red Dragon), Fa (Green Dragon), and Bai (White Dragon).

  • Tools: Two six-sided dice are used to determine the dealer (East Wind player) and the starting point for tile distribution.

  • Participants: Mahjong is played by 4 players, each assigned a Wind direction (East, South, West, North) for roles and turn order.

2.1.3-2.1.5 Key Game Actions

  • Chow (Eating): Not allowed in “Push-to-Win” Guangdong Mahjong.
  • Pung: Declaring a triplet by claiming a discard to match a pair.
    • After Pung, the player must discard a tile and place the Pung face-up on the left.
    • Placement: If the tile was discarded by the player to the right, place it to the left of the triplet; from the player across, place it in the center; and from the player to the left, place it to the right.
    • [Priority]: If a discarded tile can be used by one player to complete a Pung and by another player to complete a winning hand, the winning hand takes priority. Only if the player with the winning hand chooses not to win can the tile be used for the Pung.
  • Kong: Divided into exposed Kongs (明杠, which includes direct and added Kongs) and concealed Kongs (暗杠).
    • Exposed Kongs require immediate replacement from the wall’s end.
    • Direct Kong (点杠): Completed with a discarded tile, and the discarding player pays points.

2.1.6 Winning Hand Requirements

  1. Basic Hand Types
 Winning handDescription
111 123 123 123 123Four Sequences + Pair
211 111 123 123 123Three Sequences + Triplet + Pair
311 111 111 123 123Two Sequences + Two Triplets + Pair
411 111 111 111 123One Sequence + Three Triplets + Pair
511 111 111 111 111Four Triplets + Pair
611 11 11 11 11 11 11Seven Pairs
7Thirteen Orphans (十三幺)This hand consists of the 1 and 9 tiles from the Wan, Bing, and Tiao suits, along with one of each of the seven different honor tiles. To complete the hand, one of these thirteen unique tiles must be paired.
  1. Win Types
    • Self-Draw: Winning with a tile drawn by oneself.
    • Robbing a Kong: Winning on a tile claimed for a Kong by another player.
    • No Cannon Win: Winning without using another player’s discard.

2.1.8 Fan Types (25 Types)

Fan Value:

  • 88 Fan: Big Four Winds, Big Three Dragons, Four Kongs
  • 64 Fan: All Honors, Triple Luxury Seven Pairs
  • 48 Fan: Small Four Winds, Small Three Dragons
  • 32 Fan: Terminals and Honors, Double Luxury Seven Pairs
  • 16 Fan: Nine Gates, Luxury Seven Pairs, Thirteen Orphans
  • 12 Fan: Four Jokers Win
  • 8 Fan: Seven Pairs, Pure One Suit
  • 4 Fan: Mixed One Suit, All Triplets, Sea Bottom Win, Robbing a Kong, Kong Bloom
  • 2 Fan: Peace Hand (All Sequences)
  • 1 Fan: Concealed Hand

Detailed Types

  1. 88 Fan Examples:

Big Three Dragons (three dragon triplets).

Big Four Winds (four wind triplets),

Eighteen Arhats (十八罗汉): This winning hand consists of four Kongs (either exposed or concealed), meaning the player must have declared Kong four times.

  1. 64 Fan Examples: All honor tiles, Heavenly Hand (winning on the initial deal).

All Honors (字一色): A winning hand composed entirely of honor tile triplets (or Kongs) and a pair.

  Heavenly Hand (天和): A win achieved by the dealer immediately after drawing their initial 14 tiles, without playing any other tiles.

  Earthly Hand (地和): A win that occurs when the first tile discarded by the dealer completes another player’s hand, or when the first player to the dealer’s left wins by self-draw on their first turn.

  Triple Luxury Seven Pairs (三豪华七对): A variation of the Seven Pairs hand, in which three of the pairs consist of four identical tiles, each counting as two pairs.

  1. 48 Fan Examples:

Small Four Winds (小四喜): A winning hand consisting of three wind triplets (or Kongs) and a pair made from the remaining wind tile.

Small Three Dragons (小三元): A winning hand consisting of two dragon triplets (or Kongs) and a pair made from the remaining dragon tile.

  1. 32 Fan Examples:

  Terminals and Honors (幺九): A winning hand composed of triplets (or Kongs) of 1s and 9s, along with a pair.

  Double Luxury Seven Pairs (双豪华七对): A variation of the Seven Pairs hand, in which two of the pairs consist of four identical tiles, each counting as two pairs.

  1. 16 Fan Examples:,

Thirteen Orphans: This hand consists of the 1 and 9 tiles from the Wan, Bing, and Tiao suits, along with one of each of the seven different honor tiles. To complete the hand, one of these thirteen unique tiles must be paired.

Nine Gates (九莲宝灯): This hand consists of tiles from a single suit arranged in the sequence 1112345678999, with all tiles being self-drawn (concealed). The player can win by drawing or using any tile of the same suit to complete the hand.

  1. 12 Fan:

Four Jokers Win (四鬼和牌): A winning hand that includes four Joker (wildcard) tiles.

  1. 8 Fan:

Seven Pairs:

Tiles all in one suit:

  1. 4 Fan

Mixed One Suit (混一色): A winning hand composed of tiles from a single suit combined with honor tiles.

All Triplets (碰碰和): A winning hand consisting entirely of triplets (no sequences).

Fishing the Moon from the Sea (海底捞月): Winning by using the last tile discarded from the wall.

Kong Bloom (杠上开花): Winning by drawing a tile immediately after declaring a Kong.

Robbing a Kong (抢杠和): Winning by using a tile that another player is attempting to add to an existing Pung to make a Kong.

  1. 2 Fan

Peace Hand (平和): A winning hand composed entirely of sequences (no triplets or Kongs) and a pair, with the winning tile completing a sequence.

  1. 1 Fan

Concealed Hand (门清): A winning hand with no Pungs or exposed Kongs; all tiles remain concealed in the player’s hand.

2.1.9 Scoring Principles

  1. Basic Combinations: Pure One Suit and Mixed One Suit can stack with All Triplets or Seven Pairs.
  2. Joker Use: Each Joker used doubles the final score.
  3. Four Jokers Win: A win with four Jokers qualifies as an immediate win.
  4. Joker Discard Win (出鬼和牌): If a player discards a Joker tile and eventually completes a winning hand, the base score is doubled.
  5. Robbing a Kong Win (抢杠和): When a player wins by robbing another player’s Kong, the player attempting the Kong must pay both the horse points and the fan points for all three other players.
  6. Winning After Discarded Kong (点杠杠开): If a player wins immediately after another player discards a tile to form a Kong, the player who discarded the tile must pay both the horse points and the fan points for all three other players.
  7. Winning After Added Kong (补杠杠开): If a player wins immediately after an added Kong, the player who initially declared the Pung must pay both the horse points and the fan points for all three other players.
  1. Horse Betting Rules

Guangdong Mahjong typically includes “Buying Horses” (买马):

  1. Each player randomly receives two “Horse Tiles” at the start of each hand.
  2. At the end of the hand, horses are calculated from the winner in a counterclockwise direction.
  3. Horse Mapping
    • Winner: 1, 5, 9 tiles and East Wind.
    • Next Player: 2, 6 tiles, South Wind, Red Dragon.
    • Player Across: 3, 7 tiles, West Wind, Green Dragon.
    • Previous Player: 4, 8 tiles, North Wind, White Dragon.